
... around teeth

Periodontology deals with the treatment of periodontal diseases, i.e. tissues around the tooth: gums, ligaments and bones.

The causes of periodontal diseases can be divided into local and systemic. The local ones depend on us and are usually caused by incorrect and too aggressive brushing (a common cause of gingival recession), the appearance of gingival pockets (caused, among others, by improper fillings or prosthodontic works), overloading (these in turn, are the result of improper occlusion and lowered occlusion), malocclusion (which causes improper contacts between the teeth) and hygiene negligence (leads to the accumulation of tartar above and below the gingiva).


This is a large group of causes, but it is easy to eliminate all of them during one or more visits – it all depends on us. The second group are causes independent of us: hereditary or immunological, causing periodontitis. It is more difficult to fight them. However, it is possible to stabilise the condition and not allow for exacerbations that cause tooth loosening or loss. For prophylaxis it is crucial to take proper care of hygiene and systematic removal of tartar deposits (scaling). Surgical treatment of periodontitis involves the thorough removal of granulation tissue from the inflammated place. These are open or closed curettage procedures. The treatment is supported by a laser biostimulation. Sometimes as a result of retrograde periodontitis and for better stability in the bone we implement root canal treatment. We often prepare the teeth by using various methods and make appropriate prosthodontic works, e.g. adhesion bridges. The key to the success of proper treatment of periodontal diseases is, as usual in our clinic, the perception of the chewing apparatus as a whole, and finding and eliminating all causes of abnormalities. The complexity of the approach gives maximum effect. Microsurgery procedures, gingival grafting, covering recession and conscious reshaping of the gingiva complete our entire treatment.

Periodontologia - efekty

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    wersja skrócona


    300 zł
    Kontrola periodontologiczna
    200 zł
    Kiretaż zamknięty ze scalingiem głębokim SRP
    od 400 zł
    Szyna włókno szklane/retainer orto, unieruchomienie zęba
    200 zł (za 1 ząb)
    Operacja płatowa bez biomateriału /z biomateriałem
    2000 zł/3500 zł
    Plastyka wędzidełka warg i języka
    800 zł
    Wycięcie zmiany/guzka/nadziąślaka/torbieli zastoinowej z badaniem histopatologicznym
    950 zł
    Korekta linii dziąsła/chirurgiczne wydłużenie korony zęba do odbudowy protetycznej
    700 zł
    1000 zł za 1 punkt
    Pogłębienie przedsionka z przeszczepem FGG/FGG przy implancie
    2500 zł
    Pokrycie recesji dziąseł z pobraniem przeszczepu oraz płytką podniebienną (jeden kwadrant)
    3500 zł
    2000 zł