
... comfort and safety

The placement of the implant into the bone allows to avoid shaving healthy teeth due to single defects. In case of an excessive tooth loss it helps to avoid dentures (implant-supported bridges instead of removable dentures).

Implantation allows to create prosthodontic works that give the greatest comfort to the patient. Protects from bone loss.

Implant systems

We use all the dental implant systems that are available on the market. Most often we use implants from: Bego, Straumann, Mega Gen, Ankylos, Brennenmark, Astra, 3I.

How does a tooth implant look

A tooth implant replaces a lost tooth root. It is possible to rebuild the tooth on an implant using a special implant connector and a porcelain crown. The implant is made of titanium, which is a biocompatible material – one that will be perceived by the patient’s body as its own, natural tissue.

Wszyczepienie implantu

How to choose an implant

The choice of an implant system should be based primarily on quality. In our clinic we use, among others, Straumann, which is a Swiss system that gives a lifetime guarantee. These implants, which have been present on the market for several decades, are very popular; they show the best results in clinical trials and give great therapeutic and aesthetic effects. We also have implants of well-known and recognised brands, e.g. Bego, Any Ridge and other. When choosing an implant, the doctor always considers the individual bone conditions and suggests the best solution for the patient.

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    Wszczepienie implantu ICX / Straumann
    3200/4200 zł
    Odbudowa kości (augmentacja)
    4000 zł
    Podniesienie zatoki (sinus lift) zamknięty/otwarty
    4000 zł/6000 zl
    All on 4 (odbudowa pełnego łuku na 4 implantach)
    Etap chirurgiczny (zależny od systemu implantologicznego)
    od 14000 zł do 18000 zł
    All on 6 (odbudowa pełnego łuku na 6 implantach)
    Etap chirurgiczny (zależny od systemu implantologicznego)
    od 21000 zł do 26000 zł
    400 zł
    Szablon chirurgiczny
    2000 zł
    Mikroimplant ortodontyczny
    1000 zł-1400 zł